Sunday, September 20, 2009

Randy Pausch Last Lecture

I really enjoyed this video. I liked how Randy Pausch didn't let his cancer get to him or affect his job and daily life. He doesn't pity himself nor does he want people to pity him which was awe-inspiring. It was nice to finally watch a video or podcast that was interesting and had humor in it. I also liked the whole theme of the video, achieving child hood dreams. While he is talking, you can't help but feel inspired by him. He really makes me want to think way back when on what my child hood dreams were and to take every action in making them come true.

Randy Pausch's first child hood dream was being in zero gravity. At first it seemed so exciting because his group of students put together a proposal and won which meant that they were able to go on the "Vomit Comit." At this point I was so excited for him until he found out that faculty members are not allowed on the ride. When he is talking about not being able to go, he has a slide that is shown that has a picture of a brick wall and says, "Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things." This quote is so inspirational and so true. Then he lets us know a loop whole in the rules; he is a local journalist. Therefore, he is able to fly with the students which made me happy!

His next dream was being a professional football player in the NFL. Even though he was not able to play in the NFL, I liked how he talked about his old coach. It was funny when he was talking about how on the first day of football practice the coach didn't bring any footballs. The coach had told them that they would be learning the fundamentals. This is probably one of the smartest things I have heard in a while because it is so true. Before you can perform any type of task you must know the fundamentals of it so that you know how to perform the task and there is no way you can perfect the task. I also like how he said that if you are doing something wrong and no one is telling you what you are doing wrong, then they have given up on you, this is something that all teachers must remember. Another quote I liked in this video is when he says "experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted."

My favorite dream of his was wanting to be a Disney Imagineer. I like this child hood dream because this would be my dream. I am absolutely obsessed with Disney and I think that it would be so cool to be able to come up with these dreams. It was funny when he compared his family vacation to Disney Land and he compared it to the movie National Lampoons Vacation! I can definitely compare to this because that is how my family vacations were.

Over all, I really enjoyed this movie and it really inspired me. I especially enjoyed some of the quotes he mentioned which I have written above. After this movie, I feel like no matter what happens in my life and no matter what obstacles I go through, I have to keep pushing and always have faith.

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