Sunday, September 13, 2009

Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher? by Karl Fisch

After reading Karl Fisch's blog about technologically illiterate teachers, I have to say that I somewhat agree with him. I somewhat agree with his 7 standards but he was a bit harsh on writing them. I definitely think he could have sent the same message without being so harsh and negative. I do not agree with his number 5 standard which says, "School inspectors who are technologically illiterate should be encouraged to find alternative employment." To me, this doesn't seem fair because anyone who is an inspector has probably been in the school system for a while and haven't learned the technologies of today. I think instead of encouraging alternative employment, maybe have a seminar where the least technological staff members can learn about the technologies of today.

I also do not agree with the number 2 standard which says, "People who do not meet the criterion of #1[ All educators must achieve a basic level of technological capability] should be embarrassed, not proud, to say so in public." Don't get me wrong, I agree with standard number 1 because I think every employee should have a basic understanding of technology. However, I do not agree with how he thinks that the people who are technologically illiterate need to be embarrassed. Take me for example, I am technologically illiterate but I do have a basic understanding and I am not embarrassed at all.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think he was suggesting that someone else should embarrass them but rather that they should be embarrassed. Like your mother saying: "You did that? You should be embarrassed." But I may be wrong!
