Tuesday, December 1, 2009

At the Teacher's Desk

I really enjoyed this blog! I had no idea the statistics between boys and girls and I was definitely taken aback by these statistics! I especially enjoyed the blog about twittering. A junior high math teacher had been out sick and needed help after her students had finished the assignment for that day the day before. The co-worker quickly got on twitter and sent out a message for people to come up with ideas to help with probablity. It's absolutely amazing how many responses the teacher got and how quick they came! I never knew a social network could work this quickly and this effectively! It was also nice to see how willing one teacher was to help a co-worker and what's even better is how many people responded to help out a teacher they didn't even know!
I really feel like this could help me one day because I want to be a Math teacher. But not only for math teachers, this could help every single teacher no matter what the subject! It's also a fun way to find out different teachers ideas on how to teach something difficult like fractions or new ways to learn about the Civil War. I will definitely be using this blog later and especially when I am in the classroom. Honestly I have felt like Twitter was dumb and not for me, but after reading the blog on the teacher who was sick, it has totally opened my eyes and I might just have to give into the new technology phenomenon! To view "At The Teacher's Desk" click here

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