I really enjoyed learning about i-Tunes U! It is absolutely amazing how much technology has changed in the recent years! I mean who ever knew that you could download your professor's lecture and watch/listen to it on your iPod or iPhone! It is so neat that you can listen to a lecture while you are working out or running errands! Even when you are sick you can go to iTunes U and listen to the lecture while laying in bed!! I think the use of iTunes U is definitely growing but, I do not think that some classes should go strictly to this use because I know that with me, I wouldn't really watch the lectures daily like I'm supposed to. Personally I do better in a classroom and not working from a computer all day every day. If you are interested in our project you can click on it below!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Good Bye For Now!!

Well the semester has finally come to an end!!! I have enjoyed being in this class with Dr. Strange and each of my classmates! I look forward to seeing everyone in class while we finish our road to becoming a teacher!! I hope everyone does well on their exams and good luck with school!!!!! Have a Happy Holiday Season!!!
Summary of EDM310

I really enjoyed this semester with this class. I was a little skeptic at the beginning because I thought I was technologically illiterate...Well I was wrong! I have learned so much in this class and it will definitely follow me for my remaining years at South and into my many years of teaching I have ahead of me!
I enjoyed getting to know how to do a blog and I enjoyed everything I learned from my blogs but some weeks it felt like I couldn't finish because there was so much! But fortunately everything has been finished!!
There really isn't anything that I wanted to learn that I did not learn in this class! It was very thorough!
I didn't really enjoy doing things like Wiki but I did enjoy learning how to do podcasts and blogs.
This class did excite me because I was learning new things. I liked it because I was learning how to do stuff that will help me become an effective teacher.
I found the amount of work we had to be challenging but I did not find anything to be "intellectually challenging."
The only time I was bored in class were the days that I over slept during my nap and was still groggy when I got to class! And that can be corrected by me being responsible and going to bed the night before at a decent hour!
The only thing I would change about this course might be the course load, but I'm a little biased because there isn't a single assignment that I would want to take back!
I am technologically literate at this point but I would say I was at a some or medium level. But, I will keep learning so that by the time I am a teacher, I will be at the level of good or great.
I will maintain my level and try to improve my technological literacy by keeping up with my blog and keeping up with Dr. Strange's blog and the other professional blogs we have read this semester; especially At The Teacher's Desk.
7 Brilliant and Stupid Mistakes with Teachers and Technology

6. Ignoring the intrinsic interest of tech use in today's kids. Kids like technology. Not using it as a hook to motivate and interest them in their education is stupid.
I totally agree with this comment. I think that if a teacher uses technology to help motivate their students, then they are brilliant! I know that when I was in elementary and middle school, computers and technology weren't a big thing. These days however, every time one of my Professors uses technology in the classroom, it not only motivates me to pay more attention but it also helps me learn easier and quicker because I'm actually interested!
1. Empower kids with technology. Technology is an amplifier of natural abilities. Brilliant teachers see that good writers become better writers, good debaters become better debaters, good French speakers become better French speakers, good mathematical problem-solvers become better mathematical problem-solvers, and so on. by helping their students harness technology. They do not see technology as a crutch, but as a propellant. Brilliant teachers have experienced the empowering power of technology themselves. Brilliant teachers use good assessment strategies to rigorously determine the quality of technology-enhanced projects.
With this, I think that incorporating technology into the classroom is the best idea! Think about how much students' grades have improved with the new technological advance of the Smart Boards. Now more and more students are actually being able to work out different problems manually but in a new and cool way! I know that I think the Smart Boards are the coolest new invention since the cell phone! A brilliant teacher will come up with an activity, assignment, or project where technology can be used. Not just a power point project but there is so much more out there that students can use now!
If you are interested in reading about the 7 stupid mistakes a teacher can do with technology then click here
If you are interested in reading about the 7 brilliant things then click here
And if you are looking for some classroom rules, click here
At the Teacher's Desk

I really enjoyed this blog! I had no idea the statistics between boys and girls and I was definitely taken aback by these statistics! I especially enjoyed the blog about twittering. A junior high math teacher had been out sick and needed help after her students had finished the assignment for that day the day before. The co-worker quickly got on twitter and sent out a message for people to come up with ideas to help with probablity. It's absolutely amazing how many responses the teacher got and how quick they came! I never knew a social network could work this quickly and this effectively! It was also nice to see how willing one teacher was to help a co-worker and what's even better is how many people responded to help out a teacher they didn't even know!
I really feel like this could help me one day because I want to be a Math teacher. But not only for math teachers, this could help every single teacher no matter what the subject! It's also a fun way to find out different teachers ideas on how to teach something difficult like fractions or new ways to learn about the Civil War. I will definitely be using this blog later and especially when I am in the classroom. Honestly I have felt like Twitter was dumb and not for me, but after reading the blog on the teacher who was sick, it has totally opened my eyes and I might just have to give into the new technology phenomenon! To view "At The Teacher's Desk" click here
Toward a New Future of Whatever- Michael Wesch

I really enjoyed this video by Michael Wesch. It was very entertaining and light hearted; I actually found myself laughing out load!! I have never heard someone declare the 90's and today as the MTV generation but I totally agree with him. These days too many kids are spending more time in front of a TV and not enough time reading or doing school work. What's really bad is the kind of garbage these kids are watching!
I also liked all the different meanings of the word "whatever". I never knew there were different definitions but I think from now on I'll be a little more careful when using the word "whatever". I also liked the word "meh" because I know I definitely use it and I think I'm going to stop or find a better word!!
I agreed with Mr. Wesch when he said that today's kids are more miserable because they all think they are the next "American Idol" and when they find out that they aren't, they are shocked and upset. I also agreed with him when he compared his class to the audience and participants of the show American Idol. Why is it that we are so engaged in reality TV shows but in the classroom we are spacey and disengaged? I wish I knew the answer to this because in reality, this could really help me in school!!
When Mr. Wesch's class did a project on YouTube, they found that over 500,000 videos are uploaded a day! These videos can range from a viewing of a concert to your new baby being cute or even your dog doing tricks! Completely irrelevant videos but with just several viewings, these videos can become an overnight success! Overall this speech was very enlightening and witty. It definitely opened my eyes on what different words or letters(meh) can mean even when you don't mean it in that way and where our generation started from and unfortunately where we can be going! You can find this video by clicking here
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