Monday, October 12, 2009

iTunes U

I never realized how much technology has really changed till viewing this site! Wow I guess I never realized how connected I was even though I have a cell phone, laptop, and an ipod and I have just never realized how much I can do! I really enjoyed exploring iTunes University because I think it is a great idea. I love the fact that Professors are uploading their lectures onto iTunes U so that their students aren't having to come to class so frequently. This is such a great idea because many Professors take role everyday and some don't even understand that emergencies sometimes happen and students' are unable to make it to class. With iTunes U, the students are able to watch the lecture from their place of choosing and are able to watch it more than once, which I know would really help me!

The only downfall I can find with teachers using iTunes U is do all of their students have access to iTunes? I only have access to it because I have an iPod but are teachers going to require their students to have an iPod or the iPhones? This can get a little pricey and a lot of students just don't have the funds for this. I think that iTunes U is a great idea and maybe if more and more teachers and schools are willing to participate in it, iPods can maybe be included in our tuition costs? I think this would make the best since but it will probably never happen!

1 comment:

  1. Four points:
    1. In a multimedia culture we must teach with multimedia.
    2. 70% of the students in EDM 310 have an mp3 player
    3. An iPod Touch costs $199 in its least expensive configuration - less than many books (which I am told are not even used)
    4. When Apple adds a video camera to the iTouch, I will probably make it a requirement for this course.
